2nd Annual AMA (Author Millionaire Academy) Business Book Camp 2023
Helping Authors Share their Powerful Stories through Authority Books, Creating Influence, Impact, and Earning Six-Figure and above Income

The 2nd Annual AMA Business Book Camp took place earlier this year in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. The 3-day business book-camp celebrated new authors. There was also network with colleagues, teaching success principles, and fellowshipping with each other. They also had a speaking competition with first place taking home a huge trophy and $1,000. It was a tremendous success as Authors & Speakers flocked from all over the globe.
The Business Book Camp featured Celebrity Guests & Speakers from as far as Canada & South Africa. The host of entertainers included the wonderful and amazing Danny Zzzz, Celebrity singer Arthur Brown who performed his latest single, Juanita Kapp from South Africa who is a public speaker and martial artist, Mark Cox who is also a public speaker and martial artist and owns the Chatsworth Karate Dojo in California as well as Israel Mandrake a hypnotist and mentalist who performed in Las Vegas for 12 years and many more. Alongside these fantastic individuals were breathtaking musical performances by Jared Miller & Andrea Brown. The attendees were also delighted by inspirational special guests like Justin Willoughby, of One Step Nation, who lost 600 pounds, and The Prince of Positivity.
AMA’s phenomenal MC’s Angel Marie Monachelli and Juanita Kapp (who travelled all the way from South Africa), kept the attendees in an energetic and powerful flow as they facilitated frequent engagement and edification. The synergy between the MC’s set the stage for the successful completion of an action-packed program. One of the biggest guests of the weekend was Danny Zzzz, who performed. He is a magician and escape artist that has performed all over the world and has been on the popular television show America’s Got Talent. His flair for the mysterious coupled with his professional work ethic made him popular on and off stage. The crowd did not want his performance to end. The underlying message of his show struck a chord with many and will continue to minister to their hearts and minds. We thank Danny Zzzz for his continued support and enthusiasm as he journeys on with the AMA Family.

Singer, songwriter and amazing performer Arthur Brown stunned the crowd with his smooth voice and impactful lyrics! His song “Friends & family” spoke to the hearts of those who have faced less than favorable circumstances in their lives. It was quite the experience to see him take the stage and impart his emotional lyrics into the lives of the attendees.
The fantastic martial artist and Author, Mark Cox conducted a brick and board breaking demonstration that wowed the crowd. His strength and speed proved to be more than adequate as he broke the three incredibly thick bricks. Mark had some fun with the audience and made his performance very interactive.
Juanita Kapp, who featured as one of the MC’s, kept the audience engaged as she shared a delightful balance of personality and South African sunshine with the attendees during the course of the event. Amazingly she kept the energy going at all times and attended to the needs of the host of attendees.
The fabulous Energy specialist and Spiritual Counselor Angel Marie Monachelli guided the audience through various energy uplifting activities with great ease. This proved to be one of the highlights of
the AMA Business Book Camp as it kept the audience in a high flow of energy and engagement. Angel Marie Monachelli also conducted a presentation on one’s Energy and the value of knowing how to channel energy and how to keep it at a high vibration.
Hypnotist and NLP practitioner, Israel Mandrake (Optimize 333) performed in Las Vegas for 12 years and brought his magnetic performance to the stage. Moving between the stage and the attendees, he practiced hypnotism on many individuals in the audience. Israel read the minds of a few of the members of the audience, and he did so effortlessly and with great precision. The crowd enjoyed his presence and program.

The AMA Speaker Competition was one of the highlights of this energized 3-Day Event. About a dozen of contestants took the stage, one at a time to compete by telling their personal stories of triumph. These stories were powerful, as many of the contestants overcame poverty, sexual abuse, and many other traumatic situations. The first prize of $1000 & the BIG ASS Trophy was won by Raul Marin also known as the “Wise Wolf”. The Second-place trophy was awarded to Marilyn Morales who launched her book “When The Answer is No” during the event. The third-place winner was David Chametzky who hosts a podcast named “Peace, Love and Bring a Bat!!”

AMA would like to take this time to thank the amazing Speaker Competition Judges for their knowledge and expertise in choosing the top 3 speakers:
- Jesse Cruz from Merge Worldwide
- Dr Obom Bowen from the Underdog Millionaire Club
- Michael Fabber from the UnleashU Now Group
- Glenn Morton from the Father to a Fatherless Generation Inc
- Afiya Al-Fayiz from the Underdog Millionaire Club
- Daniel Gomez from the Makings Of A Millionaire Mind Community
Daniel Gomez attended as AMA’s Special Guest Celebrity. AMA was blessed to have him at the event. He delivered a powerful and lasting message during the course of the proceedings.
The main highlight of the event was when all the new authors got to unveil their books. 15 authors released their own books, while 10 others released an anthology book together.
- Behind Closed Doors, I Survived Domestic Violence & You Can Too, Voices of 11 Survivors of Domestic Violence, Second Edition
- The Beauty of Worship, by Dwendolyn Andrea Tatum
- Building a Leadership Mindset, by Nicky Cuesta
- One Hundred Times Grateful, In Everything Give Thanks, by Sister Sonia Y. Lewis
- The College of Their Dreams, What Every Parent Needs to Know to Help Their Teens, by Josh Aronovitch
- Uncomplicated, How to Uncomplicate Your Life, Clearing Your Path for Growth and Prosperity, by Jonathan Ellis
- Screaming Eyes, Signs of Child Sexual Abuse, by Marlyn Brito
- Ignite!, Raise Your Energy in 30 Seconds of Less Naturally So You SHINE With More Abundance, Confidence, and Joy!, by Angel Marie Monachelli
- The Misguided Mentor, Understand Every Aspect of Mentorship, by Benjamin John
- The IRS Dirty Little Secrets, by Patrick Rood the Tax Wizard
- The Postcard, Pennies and a Promise, A Departed Mother’s Gift to Her Daughter from Afar, by Dana Lynn Banks
- A Jersey Girl Finds Peace, Finding Inner Peace After A Lifetime of Anxiety, by Julia Gandy Torres
- When the Answer is No, Finding Purpose Through Pain, by Marilyn Morales
- Winning the Day, An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Morning and Evening Routine Mastery, by Jose Escobar
- Beyond the Mat, Life Lessons in Grit, Grind, and Growth, by Mark Cox
- Healing My Soul On Purpose, A Veterans Guide to Suicide Intervention, by Chaplain Pamelajune (PJ) Anderson

The 2nd Annual AMA Business Book Camp ended on a high note as Dr. Obom Bowen conducted a Master class on the last day of the event. Dr. Obom Bowen is the author of “Why Christians are Broke”, and taught spiritual principles that led him to success.
This amazing event was ultimately put together by Emilio and Daniela Roman who are the owners of the Co-Author Network, and the Author Millionaire Academy. They leverage their expertise in helping others fulfill their dreams of writing books, and learning how to monetize their books.

In an exclusive interview with the nation’s faith-based and professional newspaper for winners, Anointed News Journal, Emilio and Daniela Roman tell us about how this organization came to be, and their plans to continue helping people reach their goals of being authorities in their respective areas of expertise.
Collins II:
Who are Emilio and Daniela Roman?
Well, thank you Chris. I am a daughter, a mother, a wife, and I am passionate about my family. I have very strong family values. Family is first to me; especially my son and my grandsons. I’m very close to my father who unfortunately is ill now and means a lot to me. I want to make his final days special. And, being a wife to Emilio, we went to high school together and there’s a whole story behind that, and how we reconnected 28 years later. We are just, very passionate about life, about people, and about serving others.
How did we meet babe if you don’t mind? I think it’s a great story.
So Emilio and I met back in high school in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, at Camden Catholic High School. I actually had a crush on him all through high school, but he didn’t know it until 28 years later. We reconnected; I was going through a divorce at the time, and we just connected through social media and just started talking. And then it just transpired into this relationship that is the strongest connection I’ve ever had with someone. And here we are! He said, “why didn’t you tell me you had a crush on me back then? We would’ve had five grand babies by now.” [laughs]
I’m a blessed individual, given all my challenges growing up in the city of Camden. People said by the time I was 21, I would either be dead or in jail. But here I am, 52 years later… I did go through some things. People spoke that into my life just because of the way I was raised. My mom did the best she could with what she had, is what I always say. I Love my mom.
There’s a whole story behind that. I grew up in the church. I grew up Catholic. It’s now come to light that I was abused. So, I have that history of being abused by the Catholic Church, a priest. And that is legally pending. That situation kind of challenged my faith. There was a point where I didn’t know what my sexuality was. I was questioning it. Like why does this keep happening? Because I got molested not once, but multiple times by people in my family. So today you see this aggressiveness, and this authority in me. The Marine Corps helped bring out that side of me.
Collins II:
So, “AMA”, what is the acronym and what’s your vision and mission with this endeavor?
Amen. So the Co-Author Network LLC is the parent company, veteran owned. Our mission with it is to, “share your story with the world.” We have it on all of our shirts. And so we share people’s story through the books.
For example, the Spiritual Fitness Survivor, which is an anthology or a co-authorship, that’s our first co-authorship. That book was birthed through pain because we wanted to share our story. Everyone said you should have a book. We kept hearing that. So, we paid lots of money, went to Canada, everywhere else, and we felt we got taken advantage of in the process.

And that’s why you noticed the love that people have now. We said we’ll never do that to people… ever. I get emotional, because people have taken $5,000 & $10,000 from me. I was like, now we got my story out. Great. Now what? People build the hype up. And what do you do next? So, we’ve learned lots of things. And I don’t like the nickel and diming. So if it’s $5,000, that should include a whole host of things. If it’s 10K, people will get a package centered around that. We don’t say it’s once price and then continue to nickel dime you everything else. So we were birthed from a lot of pain and disappointment.
So AMA is the membership part of the Co-Author Network. AMA is the Author Millionaire Academy. Once they write their book with us, we give people the opportunity to stay connected. Because it’s really all about community. Imagine how much further and faster you can go if you flew with the right tribe. That’s an Austin J. Hayes quote, one of our mentors. We created the membership part of it, and that’s when we take them every Tuesday and every Thursday and we meet up. They have over 52 networking opportunities where they meet up with people like you, who have resources or other authors and they exchange ideas.
AMA is developing a culture of authors that believe that their story is powerful enough to earn them a million dollars and beyond… Why write a book if you’re just telling a story. Your story should be able to do what I call the “Triple I’s”. Your book should be able to Influence, Impact and then earn you an Income. So, if your story’s not doing that, why do it? There are other benefits of the book too, and that is to set the record straight.

I’m also in the Guinness Book World Records for being one of the most authors signing a book simultaneously. So that’s a great credibility builder. Okay. Because people see there’s something to it. So I went to Canada and I sponsored an event and there was a real Guinness countdown. So I’m one of the most authors, Danny Zzzz is in there with me, my accountant is in there with me. So I brought people in. And we’re about to do another world record here in the States; that was Canada. I wasn’t the head of that one in Canada. I’m going be running one here in the future for authors. I had to find my niche with it.
Collins II:
Were you two always entrepreneurial? What drove you to even get into the books?
For me, before I connected with Emilio, in my previous relationship I had a restaurant for 20 years. So I had owned a business prior to getting involved in this, but it was a completely different business, but still entrepreneurship. I had experience with that and I loved it because food is my passion. Cooking is really my passion. So that’s where I’m going with my next stage.
She had a very successful business in Philadelphia with her ex-husband. That’s where she had Daniela’s Delicious Dishes!
Collins II:
For you, Emilio you were a personal trainer, right?

Yes. So I started my entrepreneurial career when I was a little kid. I grew up in Camden; and I would sell cookies door to door. I was 11 or 12 years old and I had a choice. I say I grew up in a home where I could either sell drugs or become a door-to-door salesman doing something positive. So that is how it got started. Then I went into personal training, and I did that successfully for many years. I managed gyms and then I went on as an independent trainer and worked with some high level folks in the military and the government. I eventually got burnt out… Even if I was making $150 an hour, it didn’t matter because there was a ceiling. Then my life changed and I learned how to leverage. Then you can build out teams.
Collins II:
So you two orchestrated an event for AMA, and which you said AMA in Spanish means love. What was your whole vision for this event?
This was our second annual. The first one was in Camden; I did that very strategically because that’s where I’m from. I wanted to make a statement when people came from all over. We had it at an adult daycare center. So we wanted to continue with this mission and then it evolved. Then that’s where we picked up the AMA membership side of it. So now we’re birthing books. Now there are authors coming in, but how do we keep them involved in a community?

Most people would write a book and that’s it, just a transaction. We wanted to make it not just transactional, we wanted to make it transformational. And that’s what we’re developing here. So it’s not a one and done. We’re developing a culture of authors that believe that their story is powerful enough to earn them a million dollars and beyond.
So we’re now building out case studies, we’re still in our early stages, but we have people that have presold 5k or 6k and their books weren’t even out yet. We coach you; we have weekly calls, and then we have our Tuesday and Thursday show. We give them exposure and training on how to scale their business with their book. One of the questions that I ask when I’m bringing on an author is, why should you have a book? I’m like, what’s the first part of the word author? It’s authority.
When you say you’re an author, people say “Wow”! So when you have a book, it doesn’t matter the subject, it’s just a whole halo effect. The media wants to talk to you, you have more opportunities to open up. I talk about being in the Guinness Book of World Records, that gives me more leverage. So the goal is to bring people together.
There are authors who have done a million and beyond, but haven’t seen a community hyperfocus on it; and we’re just owning this space.
We teach people how to leverage their story. For example, we had one author, you met him this weekend, Jose Escobar, he literally made back his 10K investment and then some just with pre-sales. So, what we teach is very valuable, and most people didn’t have a clue. Most people think the week that your book’s going to launch, that’s when you start promoting it. You don’t do that. He’s been promoting it for a year, not just him, but all these authors. There’s a lot that goes into the investment, getting your book done. Which goes back to what we said, “we weren’t going to do people how we were treated.” We overdeliver with value if you’re going to write your book with us.

We take it personal. You’ve known me already in a short time; I’m all in with people. There’s also a vetting process. There’s a money exchange but also an exchange of energy. And if you’re giving me your money and we’re evaluating you and it just doesn’t feel right, we won’t do it.
Yeah. We don’t accept everyone.
We’ve learned that.
It’s a process.
Sometimes you can learn more about a person in an hour of play than a lifetime of conversation. I can have known you for five years, but it’s not until we get to play on the court, maybe play around the golf and come to find out, you cheat; you’re sore loser. It shows your character. So, I’m always strategic about that.
Collins II:
I was impressed with the AMA Business Book-camp, the information and the community you had there. I noticed the fact that you had so much faith in there. Can you explain your philosophy? Because to have a lot of people give testimonies and give honor to God while being highly successful was impressive to me.
So for me, I grew up Catholic. I went to Catholic school, went to church and all that. I’ll be honest, I don’t go to church anymore. We’ve experimented with different faiths, you know, and we’ll visit different churches. That’s kind of where we are. Not just with the Catholic, but to me, there’s just one God doesn’t matter what church, what faith, what religion, you know, there’s one God. So as long as you have faith in Him, that’s where all things come from. God is first… we can’t push our faith on others, but we’ve attracted so many Christian based people and people of God, like Dr. Obom, and everyone that you met this weekend. Dr. Obom’s whole business is based on God. You’ll hear just about everything out of his mouth is from God. So that’s just the kind of community that we want.

Thank you, babe. So, we didn’t set out that way. Whenever we’re on our calls I say, “we’re going to start with prayer.” I didn’t care what it was, and those people identify themselves. And it may not be for everybody. But your vibe attracts your tribe. So, we start with prayer. I say, “we’re going to honor your time here today. Can someone start us in prayer?” And then eight o’clock it’s a hard stop and we end with a prayer. So we’ve attracted the right people. And people enjoy our membership, they tell us about other memberships that didn’t serve them as well, yet they paid like three times much for other memberships. It’s just different here. Our mission is to honor your story. We’re faith-based individuals; You know, Christians, and we respect all other denominations. It’s been a blessing to have the right people.
Collins II:
I find that amazing because they’re talking about separation of the church and state. So usually anything that’s going on that you’re doing in the business world is kind of like, you’re not mentioning God and you’re just keeping it very politically correct… secular. You guys are able to do something similar to our newspaper, being faith-based and professional.

Amen. Thank you for acknowledging that because we acknowledge the source. I believe it’s too much energy to be fake. It’s just way too much energy. Yeah. I want people to know, when you see Emilio, you see authentically who I am.
Collins II:
Plus I noticed as Dr. Obom, was giving his mastermind; he was talking about spiritual principles that helped him be successful. So really you can’t separate the two because he uses certain godly principles in order to be successful. So it’s amazing how they actually go together.
Amen. This is what we share with people; there’s really only one principle: that is you reap what you sow, and that’s in the Bible. The secular community uses the law of cause and effect. It’s the same concept. All these other principles and laws that we keep hearing about are just the foundation of all that. If I treat my wife like crap, what we do in private is revealed in public. I’ve had times when we’ve had private conversations and I lost my cool and people found out about it. I say “You can fool some people some of the time, but you can’t fool all the people all the time. So, I’m a true believer in that. If I’m going to take your money and I’m going to charge you $10,000, then I’m going to deliver. So that is a foundation for us.
Collins II:
So what’s next for the Roman’s?
Wow! Can we have a baby Daniela [laughs]?
Oh God. That’s definitely not next. I already got a baby [points to Emilio, more laughs]. Well, we have a lot of events that we also attend. This is all about reciprocating. So all the people that you saw at the event this weekend, we go to their events too, like Dr. Obom, JR Spear, Michael Faber, Jose Escobar, and everybody. Collaboration is key. So we have a lot of things coming up.
Emilio: The AMA African Safari is something we are excited for next year.
Yes. January 2024, in South Africa. That’s going to be amazing, and everyone will be hearing about the details of that soon. And then we have the next AMA event, right before that, in January 2024, with the speaker competition; the first prize will be the trophy and $100,000 cash prize. Second place is $15,000 and third place is $10,000. So, yeah, that’s exciting stuff. And every 90 days we’ll have a summit, or some kind of live or virtual event.

We’re focusing on partnering up. Collaboration is the new currency. So we’re always looking to collaborate, whether it’s with you as a business owner, and your dad, other entrepreneurs, and especially with faith based entrepreneurs. So that is key.
Collins II:
So the Anointed News Journal has 180,000 weekly readers. What would you like to say to the readers of the Anointed?
Your story matters. It’s so important to share your story. We say it straight to people, “not sharing your story is selfish of you, because you could be helping so many people.” I shared the other day at the event that I held in what happened to me for 30 years. In those 30 years I looked back, I could have helped so many people that were in my same situation. It’s all about healing and sharing your story. We cannot heal in secret. So my number one message is, it’s crucial to share the stories.
I co-sign on what my wife says. We cannot heal in secret. And if you’re not sharing your story, which means you’re setting the record straight, someone else is telling your story. And I think we can agree that 9 out of 10 times, it’s not going to be the actual story. We do something called whisper down the lane. I do it in just about every seminar. We’ll have 4 people or 20 people, and I’ll say, “Emilio likes hotdogs with lots of relish and ketchup.” By the time it comes back it’s, “Emilio is a vegan.” So that’s a microcosm of a larger picture. So if you’re not telling your story, Chris, someone else will, and it won’t be the way you would’ve told it. So set the record straight.
The Anointed News Journal is thankful to Emilio and Daniela, and the AMA family for their contribution to helping people find the authority in themselves. They are truly making a difference in people’s lives. They also do other great work in the community like hosting a Thanksgiving Dinner at the VOA for veterans, and a Christmas Card drive for veterans at Camden Catholic High School.
For more information contact:
Emilio Roman
The Fish Tank , 225 Haddon Ave, Haddon Twp. NJ 08108

Awesome Quotes from the events:
- Don’t just have “shelf-esteem”, use what you know.
- Look in the mirror and say “I like myself, I’m capable, I’m worth it.”
- Do you have a word for the year? A word that helps remind you of what your focus is this year.
“Attending this event as a young entrepreneur was very enlightening. To be around such a distinguished group of passionate entrepreneurs from all over the world was truly special. Special thanks to Author Millionaire Academy for giving me an Honorary Certificate for my contribution to their event on behalf of the Anointed News Journal.” ~Christopher Collins II
AMA would like to extend a huge thank you to all of their Business partners who make these events possible via their continued support. Their devotion and assistance do not go unnoticed and makes the vision plain to the onlookers.

These individuals include:
Jose Escobar (Lead Sponsor), JR Spear, Patrick Rood, Polosito Fontanez, Jonathan Ellis, Josh Aronovitch, Benjamin M. John, Mario Toruno, Michael Fabber, Veney Cochran, DrObom Bowen, Michael le Blanc, Vincent Leonti, Javier Santana, Melissa Hergert, Nick Cokinos, Kelly Cokinos.
AMA wishes to thank Michael Fabber and the UNLEASHU Now Family for their technical assistance. AMA is highly appreciative of their attendance. Their hard work and dedication spoke to the AMA Team and attendees on so many levels. UnleashU Now is truly a powerful movement!
Current AMA updates include:
1. Pay $500 and become a founding AMA member! This is for the year!
2. There is a Co-Author opportunity available in our 4th edition of the Spiritual Fitness Survivor anthology. 15 Spots left! This edition will launch on 19 August 2023. Deadline for submission of manuscripts is 15 April 2023.
3. There is a Co-Author opportunity available for our 1st edition anthology “Born to risk”! Danny Zzzz will be doing the foreword of this wonderful book. This book is connected to a Documentary as well. A huge opportunity is presenting itself to you!

Chapter 1 is allocated to Jose Escobar.
Chapter 2 is allocated to Juanita Kapp.
Make sure to purchase your chapter as the spots will be filling up fast! DM our Communications Director Juanita Kapp for more details.
4. The third edition of Behind Closed Doors will be launched in January 2024. Secure your chapter and help give survivors of abuse a voice! Let’s gooo!
5. Get your name on the list for the AMA World Cup of Public speaking which is taking place during our 3rd Annual Business Book Camp 5 & 6 January 2024.
6. AMA in conjunction with Meticulous Safaris The AMA African Safari on 24 – 31 January 2024!! Save these dates! More details to follow soon!!
- Learn more about AMA. Book your free 30 minute information session here: [email protected]
- Become a published author via AMA. To receive information about our packages for authors and co-author opportunities: [email protected]
3. Join the AMA Family. We would love to have you as a member of the AMA Family! To sign up simply visit our website: www.emilioroman.com
4. Get acquainted with the AMA team and work with us. E-mail us here: [email protected](Juanita Kapp – Communications Director)
5. For direct queries to Daniela & Emilio Roman please email [email protected]

Warmest regards,
The AMA Team
All roads lead to www.emilioroman.com
Article by:
Christopher Collins II, Chief Deputy Editor at Anointed News Journal
Juanita Kapp, Communications Director at the Author Millionaire Academy (AMA)
Photo Credit, Evan Anderson at UnleashU Now

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