Does Mindset Really Matter? Can You Be Happy Without Intentionally Seeking Happiness & Positivity?

Is the glass half empty or half full? That is one of those cliché questions about how someone chooses to see a situation. If you watch a motivational video, or read a self-book, or listen to a sermon; you will notice a common theme. Faith, belief, and positivity go a long way. More and more I’m seeing that they are just as vital (if not more) as the tasks that you are doing on a daily basis. Most people who are successful have a mindset that is unshakable and unlimited.
Meet Daniel Echevarria; he has changed his whole life, mainly on the principle of positivity. This young man is thriving and inspiring others. It’s so simple, but being intentional about your mindset is so critical to your whole life. The problem is: simple is too complicated for a lot of people.
In an exclusive interview with the nation’s faith-based and professional newspaper for winners, Anointed News Journal, Daniel Echevarria shares how he’s able to stay positive and what gives him so much zeal for life.
Collins II:
Who is Daniel Echevarria?
Well, that’s a thought-provoking question. I believe personal identity is a complex and an ever-evolving concept. Personally, I am constantly striving to improve myself mentally, physically, and spiritually in order to become the best version of who I can be. On a surface or superficial level, I can be described as a 26-year-old man who has lived in Camden his entire life, proud of his Puerto Rican heritage. However, truly understanding who we are requires deep reflection and introspection. So, it’s not an easy question to answer without taking the time to contemplate and delve into the depths of our own being.
I have my own television show. I’m a television show host and producer for “Weekly Dose Dano” and a producer for the E 360 television Network. My show airs live every Thursday at six. But more than that, I strive to be a role model for the kids in my city. I want to be there for those who didn’t have a father figure or a positive role model growing up, especially coming from a single mother household like I did. It’s easy to be influenced by the wrong paths or engage in negative behaviors. What I want to be and what I am is a positive role model for these kids or anyone seeking personal development. I want to show them that it is possible to achieve their dreams and goals in life, and that they have the potential to overcome obstacles. So, my aim is to be a positive beacon of light and hope for those who need it the most.
Collins II:
Alright, so with “Weekly Dose of Dano”, how can people view the show?
I am a part of the E 360 TV network, and we broadcast on various platforms such as Apple TV, Amazon Fire, Roku, Facebook, YouTube, and other destinations as well.
Collins II:
That’s great. And how did you initially get into the field of television?
Well, to make a long story short, it was during the height of the pandemic when we were in lockdown. I was scrolling through social media and feeling overwhelmed by the constant negativity. I realized I wanted to be the change I wanted to see. Inspired by the quote often attributed to Gandhi, “Be the change you wish to see in the world,” I decided to change the narrative and paradigm for people consuming social media.

Initially, I started doing Instagram segments where I would share positive news stories and provide tips on how to live a happy life. I created about eight episodes, each lasting around three minutes. Then a producer from the E 360 TV network noticed my work and approached me, asking if I wanted to have my own television show. At first, I was hesitant and scared of making mistakes and embarrassing myself. However, after some reflection, I decided to take the opportunity. Since then, my life has changed significantly for the better since starting my own television show.
Collins II:
Wow, that’s impressive. So, how old are you now?
I’m 26 years old.
Collins II:
And what was your background and what were you doing before the pandemic?
Before the pandemic, I was actually in college, but I realized it wasn’t the right fit for me. I stopped attending halfway through the semester because I wasn’t enjoying my experience there. I didn’t have a formal education or background in journalism or broadcasting like many people in this field do. Instead, I taught myself everything I needed to know. It’s interesting because many people spend years in school to be in the position I’m in now as a producer for a television network. But when you believe in yourself, have confidence in your skills, and know that you can learn anything, blessings will come your way.
Collins II:
Nice. So, let’s fast forward. In a typical episode of your show, “Weekly Dose of Dano,” what can viewers expect?
In a typical episode, viewers can expect to enter a safe space where they are protected and not made to feel bad about anything. I call my following or supporters the “Positivity Posse.” It’s a community of people coming together for the greater good, throwing positive energy into the world and experiencing the positive vibrations in their own lives. So, first and foremost, viewers can expect to be part of this great community and interact with like-minded individuals.
Secondly, the show is highly educational while also being fun and enjoyable. Viewers will learn a lot, hear inspiring stories, and discover if there are any similarities between their own experiences and those shared on the show. This allows them to gain different perspectives, strategies, and traits that can help them overcome challenging situations. So, it’s a place for education, a sense of safety, and a good time filled with laughter.
Collins II:
You mentioned something about your viewers being able to comment live. Can you explain that?
You can comment live on Facebook and YouTube since those are the only platforms currently allowing commenting. On Apple TV, however, you can only watch without commenting. On Thursdays at six, you can join the live session and ask any question. It’s important to keep the questions positive and respectful, as this space is not meant for belittling others or making negative comments or jokes. There are plenty of other places on the internet where you can engage in such behavior, but here I’ve created a space for people to come together and learn. Whatever you’re seeking, we aim to provide it. This platform offers something unique that you won’t easily find elsewhere. Social media these days often involves mindless scrolling and consuming content that lacks substance. I refer to it as “zero calorie content” because it doesn’t nourish or satisfy you. In contrast, this platform aims to nurture your soul and help you learn about whatever you desire. We’ve likely covered a wide range of topics already.
Collins II:
You’ve had distinguished guests on your show, including professional athletes, and you’ll soon have the mayor of Camden as a guest. Could you please elaborate on your guest selection process and the types of guests you’re looking for?
Absolutely. We believe that everyone has a unique story to share, whether it’s about overcoming challenges or offering valuable lessons in mindset, soul growth, or physical well-being. All these aspects are interconnected. When it comes to selecting guests, I don’t specifically look for any particular criteria. I’m not interested in having someone come on the show solely to promote their services or products. If individuals are seeking ad space, they can easily find that through platforms like the Anointed News Journal or other appropriate avenues.
I’ve had a diverse range of guests on my show, and I don’t discriminate in terms of who I invite. While I don’t specifically look for anything in particular, I do filter guests based on their positive stories and their willingness to give back and help others who may be in similar situations they once faced.
Collins II:
Great. So what advice would you give to someone who’s looking to make a career move? You mentioned your own life-changing experience during the COVID moment, so for those feeling stuck and trying to figure out their career or life path, do you have any words of encouragement or advice?
Absolutely. The first and most important thing is to believe in yourself. If you start by counting yourself out before you even begin, you won’t achieve what you want. There’s a quote I love: “Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right.” It’s crucial to have faith in yourself and your decision, even though it may not always be crystal clear. Additionally, I believe in a higher power, and having faith in God and trusting that the signs have led you to where you are today is essential.
Secondly, I study and firmly believe in the law of attraction. For those unfamiliar with it, I recommend looking into “The Secret.” Essentially, it teaches that what you think about, you attract into your life. Positive thoughts manifest positive outcomes, while negative thoughts attract more negativity. Studying and understanding this concept can help you develop faith and confidence within yourself.
Lastly, it’s important to address the excuses we often make to avoid making changes. The pain and suffering of remaining in an undesirable situation far outweigh the temporary discomfort of moving towards where you need to be. Now is the perfect time to pursue your dreams because you’re the youngest you’ll ever be, and if it’s on your mind, you have the most passion and drive for it now. Waiting years to develop confidence will only deplete your energy and hinder your motivation. So take action now, discard the excuses, and shift your mindset from focusing on what could go wrong to what could go right. The sky’s the limit once you have the confidence, knowledge, and determination to make the decision and pursue your dreams.
Collins II:
I like that. It seems like you would make a great keynote or motivational speaker as well.
Thank you for the compliment. I appreciate it. However, I want to mention that I don’t particularly like the term “motivational speaker.” Let me explain why. Have you ever watched a motivational video on YouTube or sought motivation when you needed a boost? How long did that motivation last? Typically, it fades away after a day or two at best.
Collins II:
That’s what people have been saying. They might start changing it to something like “inspirational speaker.” Because motivation is seen as temporary. I never really made a distinction between motivation and inspiration, even though technically there is, but they’re also synonyms. You have to take action on it, or else it’s temporary.
I want to touch on that. One difference between motivation and inspiration is that motivation is an external force, while inspiration comes from within. Inspired action is when you feel led by something internal, like following your intuition or having a hunch. Motivation, on the other hand, often relies on external factors, such as watching a YouTube video for an extra boost. That’s why I prefer the term “inspiration”.
I have actually done that before. Last year, I had the opportunity to speak at the Power of We Symposium in Chicago. I was flown out to speak to 300 kids in the inner-city community, offering them motivation, inspiration, or positive energy to help them realize that they can achieve anything they want in life. It’s important for them to follow their own voice and drown out the negativity and naysayers from family members, the media, and the world. While there may be external forces working against them, they always know their own truth. I have done it, and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
Collins II:
You have all the quotes. I’ve listened to many speakers, entrepreneurs, philosophers, and read a lot of inspirational books. I’ve heard similar things to what you’re saying. It’s like you have the “it” factor built into you, knowing what to say to inspire and provide words of wisdom.

There are two important things I want to emphasize. Firstly, this ability to inspire and motivate others didn’t come to me naturally. It’s not something that I was born with. Like the classic story of Michael Jordan getting cut from his high school basketball team, it shows that greatness often requires hard work, study, and practice. While some people may have a natural gift for it, for most of us, it’s a skill that needs continuous improvement and dedication.
I provide practical techniques and strategies to help people take action on the inspiration they feel. When someone reads an inspirational book and feels motivated, they might wonder, “What do I do now?” That’s where I come in. I offer strategies, tips, and techniques to help people practice and implement that inspiration into their daily lives. Having a solid foundation and knowing the steps to take is crucial for seeing real change in one’s life.
My goal is to make a difference by bridging the gap between feeling inspired and knowing how to take action. I don’t preach or insist that everyone needs to do the same thing. I simply offer guidance and support for those who feel stuck or uncertain about their path. I’ve been in that place in my own life, where negativity and feeling stuck were prevalent, so I understand the struggles people face. By sharing my experiences and providing practical tools, I aim to help others move past the barriers holding them back and empower them to create positive change in their lives.
When I was in college, I was just going to school, going to the gym, and working, but I didn’t really find fulfillment in my life. So I know what it’s like to be in that position. Since I switched my mindset and implemented these tactics, that’s when I started to see a rewarding and happy lifestyle. I’ve been on both sides, and I can tell you that this positive side is way better and more rewarding. That’s why I’m able to offer these tips and tricks.
Collins II:
Sounds like you are available to speaking engagements as well. How can people contact you and be a part of your “Positivity Posse”.
You can reach me at the following contact information: phone number (609) 634-7453, Instagram and TikTok handle @doseofdano, Facebook show “Weekly Dose of Dano” at Weekly Dose of Dano TV, and YouTube channel “Dose of Dano”. I have different sponsorship packages available for anyone reading or watching this, who wants to be part of something bigger than themselves and be a positive change in the movement starting with the city of Canon and reaching a worldwide platform. It’s like having online real estate, where a minimum of 20,000 people can come and see your stuff every month.
Collins II:
So what’s next for Dano?
I recently hired a coach to help me take my show to where I want it to be, reaching a worldwide platform and reaching more people. My next goal is to have an in-person studio, similar to a Jimmy Fallon style show. I currently do it from home, which I love, but having a dedicated studio is the next step. I want to impact more people because there’s a need for this. Once people spend 20 minutes watching, they become lifelong fans because of the great content. Once you experience it, you’ll understand exactly what I’m talking about.
Collins II:
I can’t wait to watch!
Yeah, that hour is very sacred. Everything that comes up during that time is what needs to be told, what needs to be said for someone watching, whether it’s me, the guests, or the Positivity Posse. What’s next? There’s so much that I want to achieve that it’s hard to summarize it. I could talk about it for the rest of the day. Those are just the close-range goals for now.
Collins II:
So, in conclusion, the Anointed News Journal has 180,000 weekly readers. What would you like to say to the readers of the Anointed?
Firstly, I invite all the readers to come and experience what Weekly Dose of Dano is all about by watching it live every Thursday at 6pm EST. You won’t leave the same way you came in. You’ll take away some golden nuggets on how to live a happy and rewarding life. Secondly, I send light, love, and positive energy to everyone reading this. Whatever they’re going through, they will overcome it, and it won’t last forever if they don’t want it to. If they’re already in a great situation, then congratulations to them for doing the necessary work to get there. So, congratulations to all the readers out there. Come check it out, and thank you for your support. I’m excited for this special time we have together with the Anointed News Journal, Weekly Dose of Dano TV, and the readers. Nothing happens by coincidence, so shout out to you all. Thank you for picking up a copy of the Anointed News Journal, tuning into the show, and I wish you all many blessings. Thank you for the opportunity.
The Anointed News Journal appreciates Daniel Echevarria sharing his insight on life. We wish him the best as he continues to inspire people.
Having a positive mindset is incredibly important for various aspects of our lives. Here are 10 facts that highlight its significance (via ChatGPT):
- Mental well-being: A positive mindset contributes to improved mental health and overall well-being. It helps in reducing stress, anxiety, and depression, as it fosters resilience and the ability to cope with challenges effectively.
- Physical health benefits: Studies have shown that maintaining a positive outlook can have a positive impact on physical health. It is associated with lower rates of cardiovascular disease, reduced inflammation, stronger immune function, and increased longevity.
- Increased resilience: A positive mindset enables individuals to bounce back from setbacks and face adversity with greater resilience. It helps in developing an optimistic outlook, finding solutions, and persevering in the face of obstacles.
- Enhanced productivity: When we approach tasks and goals with a positive mindset, we are more likely to be motivated, focused, and productive. Positivity fosters a sense of enthusiasm, creativity, and determination, leading to better performance and increased achievement.
- Improved relationships: Having a positive mindset can greatly impact our relationships with others. It promotes kindness, empathy, and compassion, making us more approachable and supportive. Positive individuals tend to attract positive people and create harmonious connections.
- Increased happiness and life satisfaction: A positive mindset is closely associated with greater happiness and life satisfaction. It allows us to appreciate the present moment, find joy in small things, and cultivate a sense of gratitude for what we have.
- Better problem-solving: Positivity helps in shifting our focus towards solutions rather than dwelling on problems. It encourages a proactive approach to challenges and enhances our ability to find creative and effective solutions.
- Personal growth and development: A positive mindset nurtures personal growth and self-improvement. By believing in our abilities, maintaining optimism, and embracing a growth mindset, we open ourselves up to new opportunities, learning experiences, and personal development.
- Influence on others: A positive mindset has a contagious effect on those around us. By radiating positivity, we inspire and uplift others, creating a positive atmosphere and fostering healthier relationships and communities.
- Resonance with the Law of Attraction: The Law of Attraction suggests that positive thoughts and emotions attract positive outcomes. By maintaining a positive mindset, we align our thoughts and actions with our goals, increasing the likelihood of attracting positive circumstances and experiences.
Remember, developing and nurturing a positive mindset is a journey that requires consistent effort and practice. By cultivating positivity, we can significantly improve our overall well-being and lead a more fulfilling life.
By Christopher Collins II
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